
Legacy Product Management Vs. Webhooks/Notification Posts

Learn whether to use Webhooks or Legacy Product Management

ConversionFly Help
Written by ConversionFly HelpLast update 5 years ago

When adding your products to ConversionFly for sales and conversion tracking, there are two possible ways that we can see what and when your site visitors are buying.  The first method, (highly recommended) is the most accurate which is HTTP (s) Notifications Post or also referred to as Webhooks.

In the simplest terms, HTTP(s) Notifications are communication posts that can be setup within your payment processor or merchant account that will send CFly a notification every time there is an applicable sale processed. We match that data up with the buyer on your pages and often times the data that is provided from HTTP(s) Posts/webhooks is far more detailed than Legacy Product Management. Most webhooks send data like, Full Name, Email, Phone #, Address, Credit Card Type, Last 4 etc.  We store and output all that kind of data for you in the Advanced Profile Sales view under each sale.

We have an FAQ for each payment processor we integrate with to help you get started 

The second option is Legacy Product managment.

  1.  If your payment processor does not allow HTTPS(s) Posts/webhooks, we do not currently integrate with your payment processor, you have offline sales or you just plain have an unusual funnel setup, you may opt to use Legacy Product Management.
    Please reach out to our experience team if you need more detailed information on how to get started and what your options are.  


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